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Wallace Cheatham

Male | Composers


Wallace McClain Cheatham, born 1945, has continued to grow as a musician, researcher, and teacher. From the podium, he has introduced major works of African-American composers to audiences in Wisconsin and Illinois. His compositions, which span a variety of genres, have been performed in national and international settings. Some of his scores have been published by Shawnee, Alfred, Master-Player Library, Oxford University Press, Southern Illinois University Press, and Jomar Press. Dr. Cheatham's research dealing with opera as it relates to the African-American experience has been published in internationally circulated journals of scholarship. His book, Dialogues On Opera and The African American Experience, is housed in libraries worldwide. Dr. Cheatham was a public school music teacher for more than three decades. Recently, he was a guest professor at Wisconsin's Cardinal Stritch University. He has been called upon to be a piano accompanist for instrumentalists and singers, and a lecturer in national and international performance and professional venues. He is a subject of biographical record in Who's Who In The World, Who's Who In America, and Who's Who In American Education.



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