Currently completing her graduate studies at the University of Michigan, mezzo-soprano Monique Holmes has toured as a performer in Germany, Italy, Trinidad, and Barbados. She has been heard as "The Woman" in De Organizer, “Ma” in The Tenderland, the Third Lady in the Magic Flute, and the "Mother" in Amahl and the Night Visitors and was featured as a soloist in Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle. Active as a dancer and choreographer, Monique was the co-director and lead choreographer of the U.N.I. Dance Sport club where she taught lessons weekly. During her vocal studies she was fortunate to participate in a master classes given by Sylvia Olden Lee prior to her death in 2004, and one given by Priscilla Baskerville. She received her Bachelor degrees in Vocal Performance and Music Education from the University of Northern Iowa. Currently a resident of Washington DC, Monique Holmes hails originally from Buffalo, NY.